morgenvogel real estate, morgenvogelhaus
MORGENVOGEL REAL ESTATE @ Brunnenstraße, Berlin-Mitte. A perfekt place for Birdculture; with lectures, screenings, performances, concerts and most of all with production of art and birdhouses.

morgenvogel real estate, morgenvogelhaus, martin kuentz
Martin Kuentz working for the Tannenbaum-Rakete M4PL.

morgenvogel real estate, morgenvogelhaus, martin kuentz

morgenvogel real estate, morgenvogelhaus
The torso/body of the rocket was the rest of Mimosa Pale's performance. She erected and climbed an erotic obelisk, up to the sky of MVRE. After her performance i asked her, if i can use that torso for building a rocket out of it. She said YES!

morgenvogel real estate, morgenvogelhaus
The next days i worked on the obelisk body. Material was easily found in the bins on the street. Eventually Martin Kuentz installed solar-driven electronic devices.

morgenvogel real estate, morgenvogelhaus
Here in his own words: “The measurement instrumentation built into the projectile payload consists of a broadband high-frequency receiver for the detection of radio signals and networks for automated course correction during target acquisition. The receiver is able to indicate a high-frequency signal in a dynamic range up to 70 dB 0 ± 3 dB DC in its voltage output. A LED display indicates the dynamic variations in the target area of the rocket for testing purposes.”

morgenvogel real estate, morgenvogelhaus
The primordial Morgenvogel house has received a place of honor on the rocket.

morgenvogel real estate, morgenvogelhaus
Brendan Howell and Lars Künstler: The animation of the same soul quickening the whole frame, 2010 (praxinoscope). An experiment to make my "Rocketmädels" to move without any electronics. Photo: Peter Gesierich

morgenvogel real estate, morgenvogelhaus
The wood for the birdhouses was too wet, so we did need to let it dry (this kept for many days without breaking).

morgenvogel real estate, morgenvogelhaus
Ready Birdhouses (Morgenvogel-Haus) for the Berlin city birds.

morgenvogel real estate, morgenvogelhaus
Cables :-)

morgenvogel real estate, morgenvogelhaus
Drawing chair.

morgenvogel real estate, morgenvogelhaus
Micha Schroetter.

morgenvogel real estate, morgenvogelhaus
Me planning with Martin Kuentz.

morgenvogel real estate
Wolkenkuckucksheim, Lecture by Manuel Bonik and Dr. Andreas Schaale.

morgenvogel real estate

morgenvogel real estate
Manuel Bonik and Andreas Schaale after their talk (Andreas got hungry and ate his microphone).

morgenvogel real estate
Manuel Bonik and The Rocket, "Tannenbaum-Rakete M4PL".

kevin merz, morgenvogel real estate

kevin merz, morgenvogel real estate
The Birdhouse as an instrument, with foto of Kevin Merz.

mimosa pale, morgenvogel real estate
Mimosa Pale playing saw.

solarbirds, morgenvogel real estate
Solar Birds from Martin Kuentz and me.

solar birds, mrgenvogel real estate
Installation with Solar Birds, they were singing even at electric light.

solarbirds, morgenvogel real estate

Solarbirds, morgenvogel real estate
Solar Birds at window, changing their sound with the power of the daylight.

morgenvogel real estate
Midsummer Night’s Egg Tree Dream.

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