TOIVO JUNIOR 2021, English translation, sound and soul: John JJ Jones

Morgenvogel, toivo junior
TOIVO JR. had a tour starting from Weinbergspark @Zagreus and @Rosengarten. At the end Toivo stood on the roof of the toilet house by the "Kartoffelhalle" @Mauerpark having some balls for the sparrows. On January 7 we brought Toivo back to Weihnachtsurwald. We wish him all the best.
Morgenvogel, toivo junior
Morgenvogel, toivo junior

TOIVO JUNIOR 2019, Talk: Robotic voice, Song: Gunnhildur Hauksdóttir

Morgenvogel, toivo junior
Morgenvogel, toivo junior
Morgenvogel, toivo junior
Morgenvogel, toivo junior

Konzept, Text und Images: Maria-Leena Räihälä, 2019.

Herzlichen Dank an John JJ Jones, Manuel Bonik, Harm Lux (Bring in Weight), Gunnhildur Hauksdóttir (Gesang), Stefan Riebel (Institut für Alles Mögliche) und Andreas Frädrich von dem schönen Projekt Weihnachtsurwald.

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