The very small beginning..., 09.06.2019. (I saved 4 tit-babies from an attacked birdhouse, as i noticed that something was wrong. There was one dead tit-baby on the ground, and the birdhouse was totally quiet the whole day. When I opened the house at early evening with electric screwdriver "Rémy", I found 4 babies still alive and started feeding them with meat. The 2 smallest ones died peacefully while sleeping the next days, but two of them got strong and very clever.)

...and a very intelligent shit-system: Tit-babies push up their back towards the one who did feed them, and excrete a very thin package that is easy to transport out of the nest, 09.06.2019.

Flight-practices in my bed at Kesäniemi, 14.06.2019.

First time outside and a small nap, 17.06.2019.

Trying to read my mails and feed the tits, who would love to jump on my keyboard, 18.06.2019.

Practicing on a house plant, 19.06.2019.

Sleepy Fellow, 19.06.2019.

Celebrating Midsummer, 21.06.2019.

Working in a garden, 24.06.2019.

The room isn't high enough anymore, 26.06.2019.

First night outside in a huge pine, 27.06.2019.

Freedom and safety in a garden chair, 28.06.2019.

The first time that the tits followed me to Kesäniemi-summer house on their own wings. I served them some insects and a bath at a plate, then we went back to my parents` house, 30.06.2019.


Enjoying the evening sun in Kesäniemi, 01.07.2019.

I learned so many things from these birds last month, it's admirable how many things they instinctally know by themselves, without any real mother telling them what to do. Very soon they also start to practise the singing, the quiet humming, like searching for the melodies or words. And they do talk a lot with each other, and also trying to tell me a lot.

Getting ready for the night in Kesäniemi terrace, 04.07.2019.

The one and only tit...

...still giving us company. The colleague left just two days ago, when we were longer time away in a deep forest, but "Tintti No.1" still stays with us. It has learned to follow us for a walk and look through the window inside to say peeps and hello, 15.07.2019.

Showtime. The singing of our Morningbird is developing very much each day, 22.07.2019.

Recently Tintti started to hang out with other young tits in the near forest, but kept on sleeping in its own nest in Kesäniemi - until one morning (2.8.2019) when all the tits suddenly had disappeared for travel adventures. We hope he got accepted in the birdworld and makes his way as a wild bird, but we are still missing him a lot, especially his singing di-di-di-döö (like Beethoven's fifth symphony). This always was his answer, when we called "Tintti!"